We celebrate the victory to the French... alla by 1521...

Designated parties of Regional touristic interest.... The Fiestas de San Bernabé are the patron saint of Logroño. June 11 is the feast of St. Barnabas, patron of the city and is commemorated on this date victory in 1521 before the French André de Foix, Lord of Lesparre troops who tried to reach lands of Castile through the city after the recovery of the Kingdom of Navarra occupied by the Kings Castellano-Aragoneses. A few French soldiers besieged the city for 17 days, and when it was on the verge of falling, 4,000 soldiers under the command of the Duke of Nájera came to the front, making flee the invading army. June 11 Logroño celebrated the triumph, vowing the vote of St. Barnabas, feast of that day, which became Patron Saint of the city.  The Emperor Carlos I of Spain and V of Germany, to remember the triumph, he ordered to add to the coat of arms of the city three FLysLords. The Act was signed in Valladolid on July 5, 1523. Where we were awarded the name of the very Noble and loyal city of Logroño. According to the legend, the city survived based on fish caught in the River Ebro during the siege, as a result the rest of keeps were destined to feed the last bovine animal remaining alive in the city. This was gained and shown the invaders to spread the legend that all the people of Logroño, including animals, possessed a superhuman size and thus frighten the invading army troops. This fact led to the main Act of this celebration, a free tasting of fish, bread and wine, from the hands of the brotherhood of the fish, that develops in close proximity to the door of the Ravelin, only glimmer of the ancient walls of the city.

Vote of St. Barnabas, collecting the festive activities to perform, emerged the placement of an arc of festive in every one of the gates of the city, a fact that currently held by placing a single arch of the Memorial at the beginning of the Portales Street, opposite the old town hall. A procession carrying the image of the Holy, something formerly farmers performed, and in eighteenth-century took over the children of the aldermen born in Logroño is also. Today are the members of the confraternity of San Bernabé which carry the image.

From years ago 8 s and celebrates in the vicinity of the wall of the Ravelin and the old town some representations that evoke the siege suffered from the attack of the franco-navarras troops in which is reflected the battle lived at the gates of the city. Many Logroño dress period, to which must be added the Renaissance market that can be enjoyed by the old town of the city, as well as the camps of the troops franconavarras and Castilian. Really worth coming to enjoy these festivities

On June 11 and June 9th day of La Rioja San Bernabe pattern of Logroño

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